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   Why Do People Pursue Therapy?

People pursue therapy for many different reasons. Therapy can be helpful for thinking something through with a person who is experienced in seeing patterns in a person's life. It can also be helpful when anindividual has an issue that they are interested in solving.  Therapy can be seen as going for consultations(second opinions), solving issues or problems, or exploring motivations for behaviors.

   Reasons people give for going for therapy

  • Relationship, Couple, or Family Issues

  • Pre-Marital Counseling

  • Chronic Illness

  • Anxiety  

  • Depression   

  • Substance Abuse

  • Sexual Problems

  • Communication Problems

  • Parenting Issues

  • Feelings of Isolation

  • Remarriage

  • Single Parent Household Issues

  • Issues Around a Family Business

  • Sexual Abuse

  • Incest     

  • Anger Issues

  • Violence in the Couple or Family

  • Divorce or Family Transitions

  • Bereavement

  • Adolescent Issues

  • Self Esteem or Self Worth

   Tell Us Your Questions

  • I have never been for therapy before. What is therapy like?

  • How do I know that you are qualified to do therapy?

  • How long are the therapy sessions?

  • Do you accept insurance?

  • I am part of a couple but we are gay. Do you see gay couples?



I have never been for therapy before. What is therapy like?

Therapy is talking to a qualified individual in a safe nurturing environment. For individuals,  therapy is workingthrough issues that are problematic to an individual.   For couples, therapy is uncovering the couple's cycle ofinteraction, their dynamic, and learning to understand and change that dynamic. It is also enhancing the positiveaspects of the relationship. For families, therapy is assisting all family members to feel heard so that they canexplore the negative cycles of interaction. In some cases structural change is necessary; in other situations, the therapy is more solution focused.


There is an initial session where the therapist will assess how much of a crisis the family is in, or how severe the relationship issue is. Next a therapeutic plan will be developed that will be discussed with the client, couple or family during the second session. After the second session then, therapy enters the initial stages. This is when the therapist and client are getting to know each other. Here the client starts to relax and feel safe with the therapist.


The next stage is the working stage. This is when the actual work of therapy begins. Clients may be given homework assignments. They may be asked to journal what is good in the relationship or what has changed in the past week. The ending stages of therapy often involve maintenance of the changed behaviors and interactions.






How do I know that you are qualified to do therapy?

Be an educated consumer. Ask the therapist for a listing of his or her qualifications.  A therapist who holds aPh.D. has obtained the highest degree a university gives. However, if the Ph.D. is in microbiology, the personholding that degree probably is not trained to help you with your relationship.   So, it is important that the therapisthold a Ph.D. in one of the social sciences (Psychology, Sociology, Social Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapy,Social Work, Counseling, Mental Health Counseling).


A person who holds an Masters Degree in Social Work (M.S.W.) is qualified to do social work. These persons often do therapy and are then called a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW). They may have additional training in Marriage and Family Therapy. Ask them if they do. For more information on social workers, please view


Marriage and Family Therapy is very different from Individual Therapy.  A MFT has a degree from a university giving specialized training in this field. Many other programs of training in the social sciences often give but one course in Marriage and Family Therapy whereas a program giving out a specific degree in MFT will have at least 45 credits in this field. You can explore for more information and education about the field.


All therapists working under MFT NY have graduate training in marriage and family therapy either from a university or a specialized training school. Several individuals in the MFT NY Team are pioneers in the field, having been instrumental in influencing its direction. They have also been instrumental in the fight for licensure in NYS. Since MFTs were recently licensed in NYS, MFT NY therapists either are already licensed as MFTs or hold a permit to practice under the careful supervision of a supervisor while they complete the necessary requirements for licensure.

How long are the therapy sessions?

Sessions are 50 minutes once per week. As the therapy progresses, the client and therapist may decide to schedulethe therapy sessions once every other week and then eventually once per month.

I am depressed because of my relationship. Does this mean I will be in therapy for the next fifteen years?

Absolutely not. Traditionally the more psycho-analytically based therapies were longer term.  For a whole host ofreasons, managed care being one, the more recent therapies are more focused on the here and now and onsolving the problem or issue rather than probing into why the issue arose in the first place. At MFT NY the therapy isindividualized. In some cases a more in-depth approach is requested. For the most part, therapy is brief, lasting about 25 sessions. This varies according to individuals, couples and families.  People work and explore differently.Some individuals/couples work faster than others.

Do you accept insurance?

At the end of each therapy session, you are provided with what is called a "super bill." This is a receipt that can be submitted to your insurance provider for reimbursement if you want to apply for out of network coverage. It lists the therapist's name, license number, length of session code,  and the diagnosis code. In other words, it contains all the information necessary for your insurance company to reimburse you. It is a good idea to call your insurance company at the beginning of therapy and ask them if they reimburse for out of network providers. All managed carecompanies have direct access to your case and your treatment. This has a direct impact on confidentiality. MFT NYrespects confidentiality.

I am part of a couple but we are gay. Do you see gay couples?

All couples who are in committed relationship are seen by the MFT NY staff. This includes premarital couples,engaged couples, heterosexual couples, and gay and lesbian couples.


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