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Have you lost sight of your relationship or marriage vision--the dreams and hopes that brought you together in the first place? Do you crave for things to be the way the way they were when you first met?


Couples' dreams often take years to erode. It happens little by little, over a long period of time. We can help you realize your dreams again.


We are interested in what struggles you are experiencing. .Schedule an appointment for couples counseling and tell us about your relationship issues and together we will work toward a solution.

   Couples come to counseling for a host of reasons. Some are listed below.

  • Communication and Conflict Styles

  • Constant Arguing and Bickiring

  • Jealousy and Infidelity

  • Dependence and independence

  • Control and power Issues

  • Disciplining Children and Parenting

  • Stepfamily Issues

  • Sexual and Intimacy Issues

  • Money and Financial Issues

  • Relationship Enhancement

  • Family and In-Law Problems

   Different Approaches

Different couples counseling approaches are used with different couples. Some couples wish to explore their motivational patterns, why they do what they do. Other couples want to solve current problems and work with the present situations. Others want to do both. At MFT NY, our team of specialists will assist you in finding solutions, using the type of counseling that you are most comfortable with.


Imago Therapy


For couples who want an in-depth couples therapy experience, intensive couples therapy for couples to explore their own positive and negative patterns in relationships is available. Couples learn to communicate in ways that foster intimacy. They learn how to avoid the common traps and pitfalls of close relationships with the goal of achieving a conscious relationship.


This type of couples therapy is called Imago Therapy. Imago therapy is available for couples , families and singles. Certified Imago Therapists are on the MFT NY staff. For a description of this type of couples therapy and to make sure you are working with a Certified Imago Therapist, please view


Imago Therapy with couples is based on the thesis that humans are relational. Humans are born into this world as whole entities, experiencing a oneness with the universe. Unconscious parenting often creates a break with this oneness, resulting in problematic anxieties and tensions for the individual. Through mate selection and marriage, individuals attempt to recreate this oneness; but instead, through selection of a partner who possesses similar characteristics of the original caretakers (the Imago), often intensify this alienation. Imago couples therapy has as its goal to co-create with the couple a safe therapeutic environment that empowers the partners in relationship to heal.


Solution Focused Therapy


Other couples are not interested in exploring the connections of their present behavior to their childhood. For these couples, a more here-and-now approach is used. For a description of this couples therapy approach, please see In these cases, the focus is on the present, on action, on changing behavior, and on accomplishing goals.


This type of couples therapy is concerned with change, rather than exploring "why"  couples interact the way they do. Instead of "problem talk", therapists urge "solution talk" where the therapist and the client construct solutions that will work for the couple.


So instead of asking the couple, "Tell me about the problems that brought you here today, the solution focused
therapist would say, Let's see how we can work together to make your situation better."


At MFT NY, solution focused couples therapy approaches exploring the here-and-now of relationships are also available. MFT NY staff are trained in a variety of couples therapy approaches and will tailor therapeutic methods to the specific needs of clients.

   Couple Counseling Can Help!

Is couple counseling right for you?

  • Do you often feel unheard by your partner or spouse?

  • Are you unsure of whether to make up or break up?

  • Do you feel the love has gone out of your relationship?

  • Do you feel alone most of the time when you are with your partner or spouse?

  • Do you sit across from each other and have nothing to say?

  • Do you want to make a good relationship even better?

  • Do you keep replaying old arguments with the same results?



So instead of asking the couple, "Tell me about the problems that brought you here today", the Solution Focused therapist would say, "Let's see how we can work together to make your situation better."

"When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps."Confucius

   Sign Up for Our Couples Groups

To schedule an appointment call or E-Mail us at

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Long Island : 542 Lakeview Ave, Rockville Centre, NY

101 Hillside Ave, Williston Park, NY

75 Ridge Rd West, Sag Habor. NY

New York City : 19 West 34th Street, New York, NY


©2015 Marriage and Family Therapists of New York, PLLC 


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